Reason Why I’m Uncool #6198458

In addition to this and this, I will never, ever be that aloof, mysteriously cool girl who can lure unaware victims into my web of secrets. I’m the opposite: way too open, always inappropriate, and perpetually outspoken. I tend to be offended if people are not on my level of friendliness (sidenote: nobody is ever on my level).

In an official summary of comments said to me regarding my sparkling personality during my lifespan, the general opinion is that I am somewhere between too mean and irritatingly in-your-face. In fact, yesterday, someone told me that I am “too bubbly” and I drive her “crazy” with my “over-the-top” personality. I was slightly disheartened for a brief two seconds that this person could possibly dislike me. It’s not easy to hear someone say, “Well, I don’t hate you but you are a lot to handle and actually, yeah, I hate you.” Which, to be fair, is completely true; I can be am ridiculous. I’m usually hyped up on caffeine and bouncing around like that little happy blob on the Zoloft commercials (you know, after the blob takes the anti-depressant). I’m Kanye West and the world is my Taylor Swift. But the world doesn’t always want to be Taylor Swift. (sidenote: Wouldn’t that be a great Taylor Swift song?)

On the other hand, there are people who think I’m excessively mean. And I can be. I use sarcasm to weed out the weak from the witty. My sense of humor is definitely caustic and wry at times but generally, it’s light-hearted, well-meaning, and broad. Practically anything can provoke my annoying, tittering laugh these days.

If I don’t know you, I will force my humor on you, starting with Insults Lite*. This creates problems because people don’t always understand that making fun of them is my way of saying, “Hey, I like you kinda sorta. Wanna be friends?” In fact, sometimes, people start to hate me. Clearly, I am a well-socialized individual.

You’d think as a writer and generally open person, I’d be immune to people’s opinions. But no, I am like a golden retriever. Instead of barking, I run around yelling, “LOVE ME!!!!!!”

Please love me.

Please love me.

*Insults Lite is Phase 1 of getting to know a new person. I will jovially make fun of the acquaintance until I get either a laugh or other positive reaction. Phase 2 is when I tear you down until you are in your most basic, raw form. In Phase 3, I invite you to make fun of me. In Phase 4, I try and entertain you with my many talents. Phase 5? We adopt cats and get married.

Pearl of wisdom for the day: sometimes, people are not going to like you, even though you a magnificent, veritable smorgasbord of all that is good in the universe.

– Daughter

9 thoughts on “Reason Why I’m Uncool #6198458

  1. Oh I can so totally relate. Instead of your more up front approach to meeting new people, I prefer to lurk in the corner (while loading up on the best snacks before another fata– sorry, *patron* has a similar idea). Then I pounce with my groundbreaking insight to the newest pop culture garbage out there. For example, do you know the Japanese don’t like “Gangnam style”? Seems it wasn’t translated into Japanese yet because it exploded in the US. Most K-pop songs are translated and then released in Japan separately.

    I don’t like it when people don’t like me because I always try to be as calm and respectful as possible (plus I smile and laugh a lot). I really try hard not to say anything I *know* will upset someone, so when my genuine kind overtures are dismissed, I get a little defensive.

    But seriously, anyone that can’t laugh or be witty are simply not going to survive an hour with either of us.

    Also, sounds like the disgruntled lady from yesterday needs coffee. Coffee makes everything better, even people with grumpy attitudes. The more sugar, syrup, and whip… the better.

    • TRUE STORY. Coffee does indeed make (all) things better. Caffeinated life is the only life.

      I am always trying to make people laugh. Maybe some people hate to laugh/and/or be amused?

      We’re just too amazing and people are intimidated by us?

      Yes, that must be it.

      • No lie, I think if we got together in the same room at such an event, the world would literally collapse in on itself like a black hole. Or everyone would leave with a unique nickname and a story about the two girls that were saying weird things (but no one could figure out if they were actually serious or joking).

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